Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Don Maxwell - Jul 09,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Here's a video experiment, a touch-and-go with two cameras showing (more or less) the perspectives of a passenger and the pilot: https://youtu.be/psQQdRBRSF4      Attachments:  

Seaplane Splash and Go: dual camera experiment
Seaplane Splash and Go: dual camera experiment

Carr, Frank  - Jul 09,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    I definitely enjoy the co=pilot's camera view. The helmet camera reminds me too much of work. Your videos Don are always good.     
Don Maxwell - Jul 09,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    It would be interesting to know which of the two views other people prefer. In editing the video and watching the finished version several times I noticed that I was watching one of the views most of the time and ignoring the other. That wasn't what I expected at all.     
Bruce McGregor - Jul 10,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Pilot camera too twitchy for casual and relaxed viewing.     
Dave Edward - Jul 10,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    I kept wanting to put some right rudder on with the left seat view.
Pax view way better IMHO.
Nice to compare.
Don Maxwell - Jul 10,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Aw, Dave, now I'm going to take that yawstring off. I hardly ever look at it anyway, and when I do it's usually because it's wet and stuck to the windscreen.

There's a ball in the Dynon (the smaller rectangular instrument), and it was pretty well centered most of the time. Oddly, the yawstring looks different in the two views most of the time. But near the end it shows too much right rudder in both views. ("Step on the ball," but get off the string.)

Doesn't anybody prefer the pilot's view? It does jerk around wildly sometimes, but it's the view my eyes turn to naturally. I have to concentrate to watch the passenger's view. Frankly, that surprised me the first time I noticed it, but it happens every time I watch the video.
Mark MacKinnon - Jul 13,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    First thing I did when I bought my Stingray was take the yawstring off the windshield, and installed a ball slip indicator on the panel. I find it's one of the most looked-at instruments I have, especially after Bret's accident.     
Troy iRMT Heavy Maint. Enriquez - Jul 17,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    I had a yaw string only held on by a 1/2 inch piece of electrical tape. i figured it would come off by it's self one day. after about six years
I took it off.
Carr, Frank  - Jul 17,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Same with me Troy, a friend sent me a yard or two of knitting stuff, the first piece is still in place. Have about 20 left over.     
Carr, Frank  - Jul 10,2016   Viewers  | Reply
John Dunlop - Jul 11,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Great video experiment! WBS..
Don, I am always struck by the positive safety implications of your "self dialogue" in your videos. You say "water landing please"..
How many times do you miss that verbal request as a result of distraction, I wonder?
Don Maxwell - Jul 11,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Uh, well, having done the distraction thing once, John, I try very hard not to repeat it.

I've found that rather than relaxing because of the ACI Searey Landing Gear Alert, it actually makes me more attentive. That's probably partly because it occasionally goes off in the wrong direction when a microswitch gets out of whack--or something else like that affects it. That's annoying, of course, but on the other hand it help keep me alert and watchful, so it's a Good Thing.

Besides, having the robot talk to me seems to make my talking to myself a little less goofy. Maybe.

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