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Bob Samson - Jul 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    If I was more proficient at this I'd post the video. Google the headline and it should pop up as a link. Pilot was in a rented 172 doing stupid things. Makes the rest of us look bad.
Of course in Don's videos there's never a bee hive of boats in the area. Must be a Texas thing.


Kenneth Leonard - Jul 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Yup. Impressively stupid flying. Suspect pilot will be found...     
Mike Reisz - Jul 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    It makes me wonder if the individual was not rated, ignorant of the regs (not to mention danger) or just simply didn't care.

Gaggles of boats are common on lakes on summer weekends and holidays.
Dennis Scearce - Jul 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Looks like a crop duster wannabe.     
Don Maxwell - Jul 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Good link: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/community/fort-worth/article88118597.html

(Don sticks to the 500 foot rule and its exception, "except when necessary for takeoff or landing." Necessary is the operative word, by the way.)
Tom Binsfeld - Jul 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Don , that exception for takeoff and landing only applies when there is a FAA approved designated landing zone. You can't land
anywhere and bust the 500' rule. Beware!
Don Maxwell - Jul 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Tom, I think the way they see it is that the pilot has the burden of proof--meaning that the pilot is likely to be screwed. But the need for the exception shows up fairly clearly in glassy-water landings when the only safe approach is over an LVR like a house or a car. Emphasis on "only." My seaplane examiner made me land in just such a place. The best LVR was over a house belonging, he said, to a relative he didn't like much, and he insisted that I clear it by less than 50 feet. The rest of the shoreline was tall trees, so the house really was the best LVR. So in that case, if it was necessary to land on that lake when there was no wind, the exception was probably valid.     
Bob Samson - Jul 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Some of the comments on the Eagle Mountain Facebook page are downright scary. "I'm going to toss up a beer bottle at his prop.
No, I'm thinking tossing a fire extinguisher".
Actually, I fly around that lake a lot. I always wave at boaters and get waves back. Hard to imagine messing up that good reputation
with stupid pilot vs bubba tricks. Hope this blows over soon.
I may have to borrow a technique from Andy Shane and drop in next to the police lake patrol and give them a lesson on sea plane
operations and why they don't need to be concerned.
Mike Reisz - Jul 09,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    I went flying this morning (not at Eagle Mountain, but a lake within about 20 miles of it) and kept a little extra distance between
the boaters and myself. I don't get on the lakes when they are too crowded, but with this incident fresh in the news, I'll be
extra vigilant for a while.

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