Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Tom White - May 05,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    The F35 Bonanza (Bonnie Too) deal is done and Leslie Luscombe is for sale.

The Bonnie Too is joy, but a handful to fly. It has four fuel tanks that can feed only one at a
time with a selector knob on the floor by your left heel. It has just one fuel gauge. The tank
feeding the engine is not necessarily the tank displayed by the gauge. The "gauged" tank is
selected by combination of the positions of TWO switches on the dash. It has a pressure
carburetor, so not all fuel going to the engine is burned...the rest, about 3 gal per hour, is
returned to the left forward tank. If that left forward tank is full, that returned fuel is vented
overboard! It is easy to mismanage the fuel, have it get real quiet up there and not immediately
know which tank has fuel.

DaPlane (SeaRey) has one tank and the fuel can be seen by looking between the seats.

Takeoff in Bonnie Too can be made with fuel and load within CG limits. Mismanagement of fuel
can move the CG out of range in under 45 minutes.

DaPlane's one tank is on the CG, so full or empty barely affects trim.

At 185 mph at cruise altitude, Bonnie Too has incredible amounts of both potential and kinetic
energy (V gets squared, remember?). Flaps and gear combo are limited to 105mph, so it is
impossible to go down, slow down, and keep the engine happy, all at the same time. One or
two can be done, just not all three. If the descent plan is not employed by 40 miles out, you
will be looking over your shoulder at the airport as it goes whizzing by underneath.

At 40 miles out in DaPlane, you can have lunch before you get there.

Bonnie Too can fly 700 miles with reserves or it can carry 4 adults. Again, not at the same time.

DaPlane can get to the harbor in 10 minutes or Catalina in 30. What? Go somewhere else? Why?

Bonnie Too's insurance agent, despite my 40 hours in another Beech, wants a 10 hour signoff
from a CFI with 25 hours in type. (Apparently, he missed that the Greatest Generation is no
longer hanging out at the airport.)

Daplane's agent, same carrier, reduces my premium every year.

We will enjoy Bonnie Too for a while. DaPlane will still be here when its time for Bonnie Too
to move on.


IMG 1934
IMG 1934

Dennis Scearce - May 05,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    You can't hide money!!     
Wayne Nagy - May 05,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Tom, this is hilarious ...and familiar . :-)     
Nickens, Dan - May 05,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    But why get rid of Leslie? What did she do wrong?     
Tom White - May 06,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Well, it is not what she did, but rather what she won't do.

After we mastered this trick, she really doesn't want to learn another.

Leslie''s Face Plant
Leslie''s Face Plant

Kenneth Leonard - May 07,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Better brakes than most!     
Nickens, Dan - May 06,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    So that's what they mean when they say "land and hold short"?     
Don Maxwell - May 07,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Good one, Dan!     
Don Maxwell - May 06,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    That's a bonnie lass standing on the wing.     

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